How to Connect to Another Computer Using Remote Access Software
If you have Windows XP it has built in remote access software that helps you connect to a friends computer, by invitation, to help them by taking remote access control of their computer system. This means you could be in the USA and be helping your friend in Australia to find a solution to his or her computer problems. The technology to gain remote access to basically anyone's computer is available on most computer users start menu. I regularly give my friends computer support from the comfort of my own home. What you need to use the Help and Support tool to gain remote access 1. An broadband or cable internet connection. 2. Windows Xp on both computers 3. An email address or be signed into Windows 4. Live messenger. The easiest way to connect It is very easy to connect two computers over the internet. One computer can take control and fix problems on the other computer. Following these steps to use the Help and support software that is bu...
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